15 Insanely Delicious Cauliflower Recipes You Need To Meal Prep NOW!
Ah, cauliflower! Where do we even begin! Besides being one of our favorite vegetables due to its versatility, cauliflower is also one of the most nutrient dense vegetables on the planet. It is chock full of vitamin C as well as many other cancer preventing phytonutrients. We are always down for a vegetable that is both easy and versatile to meal prep, plus has an added health bonus. Let us know if you love any of these delicious cauliflower recipes in the comments below
With so many people following a variety of diets, cauliflower can fit into almost any of them; keto, low-carb, whole30, paleo, gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, the list goes on. This makes it much easier to create a recipe that fits a variety of dietary needs for you and/or your family.
Not only does said cauliflower fit most diets, but it can be cooked/meal prepped in a variety of ways. Our favorite is hands down, riced cauliflower. Have you ever tried making it? If not, you need to give it a go. You will see below that it makes some of the most insanely delicious cauliflower recipes -- that you need to meal prep NOW! But, if you don't have the patience to rice it or are lazy like we can be on occasion, then you can head to almost any local grocery store and grab a fresh or frozen bag.
As you can see below, second to riced cauliflower is mashed. But the ways to meal prep cauliflower don't just end with these two options! We challenge you to hit Pinterest and see what you find!
Get Nutritious
For those of you who are looking for a macro-friendly food that will add volume to your meal prep without a lot of calories, cauliflower is the way to go! Three ounces (3 ounces) packs in 25 calories, only 5grams of carbs, 2 grams of protein and a whopping 3g of fiber! Plus, 77% of your daily vitamin C. How 'bout 'dem macros 😉
And if you just straight up hate cauliflower or vegetables for that matter you are in luck! Cauliflower has an almost neutral flavor profile, so you won't even know it is in most of the recipes below. It's like a secret veggie win! Sans the veggie flavor!
Before we get started, make sure to book mark THIS RECIPE: Cilantro Lime Cauliflower rice! You'll thank us later
Top Meal Prep Recipes with Cauliflower:
Low Carb Bacon Cauliflower Soup
Carrot Meatballs With Mint Cauliflower Rice
Whole30 Pumpkin Mustard Stuffed Cabbage
Whole30 Baked Buffalo Chicken Casserole
Low Carb Sun Dried Tomato Egg Cups
Sweet and Sour Cauliflower Bites
Fiesta Chicken With Mexican Cauliflower Rice
Paleo Chicken Cauliflower Fried Rice
Cauliflower Tabouli and Salmon Meal Prep
Freezer Cauliflower Rice & Black Beans Burritos
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