Do you wanna challenge your roommate to duel while working out? We've got a solution for your workout needs, especially if you're feeling a little competitive If you're in need of a dorm room workout for those days when you simply want to lounge in your sweats and study! Do you have a roommate who enjoys exercising as much as you do? Then get ready for a great dorm room workout where you and your roommate will be dueling.
For this workout, the only thing you will need is a towel or sheet depending on the length needed to complete the exercises. To play it safe, have both on hand so you can easily transition to one or the other based on your needs. Also, make sure the area around you is free from things that could injure you or cause you to fall/trip.
Dorm Room Workout
Dueling Exercise 1: Squats
For this exercise, stand facing each other and both of you will grab the towel or sheet with both hands. At the same time, both of you will go down into a squat until your upper legs are parallel to the ground. Then, come back up. Use each other for stability, allowing you both to sit back into the squat to take the pressure off your knees.
Dueling Exercise 2: Chest Press
Stand back-to-back and wrap the towel or sheet around both of you so that one of you has your arms extended while the other has your hands back against their sides. As one of you pushes the sheet out, the other resists the motion. Once your arms are straight out, your roommate will push the sheet out in front of them while you resist the movement. As one person pushes (the concentric part of the motion), the other resists (the eccentric part), and you go back and forth.
Dueling Exercise 3: Row
Sit on the floor with your legs straight out, touching your roommate's. Both of you should sit with your backs straight, holding the towel or sheet with both hands at shoulder width. Take turns pulling backward in a rowing motion until your hands are at your sides and your roommate’s upper body leans towards you. Your roommate should resist your rowing motion. Then switch, and your roommate rows while you resist. It's a fun way to work out without realizing immediately how much effort you're putting into it!
Dueling Exercise 4: Biceps Curl/Triceps Pushdown
One of you will be on your knees while the other stands in front. The person on their knees will use their triceps to push the towel down in front of them while the standing roommate resists the movement. The standing roommate then completes a biceps curl while the person kneeling resists. Once the set is complete, reverse roles.
Dueling Exercise 5: Shoulder Press Handstand
Use your dueling partner to steady you while you get into a handstand position. Slowly lower yourself down until the top of your head barely touches the floor, then push yourself back up (your roommate can assist if needed). Once the set is complete, reverse roles. Be very careful with this, especially if it's a new pose for you. Feel free to ask a resident yogi or gymnast in your dorm room to demonstrate first if you want!
Squat | 10-12 | 2-4 |
Chest Press | 10-12 | 2-4 |
Row | 10-12 | 2-4 |
Biceps Curl/Triceps PD | 10-12 | 2-4 |
Shoulder Press HS | 10-12 | 2-4 |
This workout is a great way to stay active and have fun with a friend, even in a small dorm room! Remember, working out is just a way to burn energy. If you're not pairing a solid exercise routine with a balanced diet, you're fighting an uphill battle. I would suggest pairing a weekly meal plan with your exercise routine to maximize your results and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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